Thursday, January 17, 2013

And everyday life gets harder..

Nobody told me that growing old is that hard ! And its not only hard because of having hard to understand people instead of having the most complicated Mathematical problem to understand. Its not only hard because of having broken hearts instead of having broken toys. Its not only hard because of losing hopes, dreams and people instead of losing toys and grades. Its not only hard because of having to go back and forth before saying anything instead of saying what comes to our minds like when we were young and no one could blame us because we were kids !Its not only hard because we have to wear our smile all the time instead of crying if we want to because we can't do that as grown ups. And it is not only about growing old, its also about growing up -unwillingly- because life has been giving us lessons that we sometimes understand and that's what we call happy times and sometimes we don't and that what we call experience. God give us the power and serenity to grow up and old in one piece ! #nwtfy


  1. Lovely Article..u reminded me of one episode in Grey's anatomy (if u know it)..Grey was saying we are adults when did that happen and how do we make it stop ..!!
    Keep it up Nour :)

    1. Everyone is wondering when, why and how did this happen !!
      Thanks for the lovely words Soomy :)


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