Thursday, July 18, 2013

Take your heart and run ..

And when you fail to know where you stand for them, take your heart and leave .. Standing there will only break your heart .. And mending your heart is not an easy thing, it will take more time than you think , even more than the time you took standing there figuring out the situation... Trust me, it is not worth it, No one is worth breaking your heart, and if they are worth it, they will not leave you wonder..So please, Take your heart and run ..


  1. hmmm .. in some cases it might be easier to mend your heart afterwards when you know that you had kept on trying till the last minute, that you had done everything you could've possibly done .. that you hadn't given give up easily .. so you end up with the task of a heart in need of mending but also with an impeccably clear conscience.

    1. I agree, however this can happen once and you take the learning and move on :)


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