Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Curse..

The curse of falling in love with someone who's not right, The curse that changes love, from romance to a deadly fight, The curse that slices the heart, and breaks it into pieces, The curse that makes lies and deception its thesis, he curse that hides the truth and manipulates the brain, The curse that makes you lose while you think you gain, The curse that makes you dream every night of its magic, The curse that makes you think without using any logic, The curse that makes you happy and fills your eyes with tears, The curse that makes you safe while surrounding you with fears, The curse that let you do many things that are not smart, The curse that makes you think that the end is only a new start, The curse that can destroy a life with a simple smile, The curse that can with looks put your heart on a trial, The curse that makes you see all the black as white, The curse that makes you scream at the middle of the night, The curse that can kill, bury and revive, The curse that makes you live without a sensible drive, The curse that makes you say things you don’t mean, The curse that puts pressure on you till you lean, The curse that makes you feel like you have disease you cant treat, The curse that put you in challenges you know you cant meet, The curse that controls you no matter how you try, The curse that you cannot control its power to fight or even cry, The curse that makes you patient and teaches you to wait, The curse that you discover when its only too late.


  1. I would only like to believe, that this curse would one day become a blessing when the person is right.
    All this pain you go through when its not right, will make it all worthwhile with the one that is right, and every reason of this pain will be the reason countered by a reason for happiness and pleasure.

  2. Curse or no curse .. this too will pass .. everything does eventually.


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