Friday, April 26, 2013

Don't Judge !

Don’t Judge, for you never know the battles a person has gone through.. Don't Judge, for you will never understand that the hardest battles a person can go through are the battles in their head, and everyone has their own battles in their head.. Don't Judge, for that every person had a different battle than yours and how they deal with it don't necessarily define them! Don't judge because everyone had their own battle and that's enough for them ! Every person had a battle that made them lose something they love or afraid to lose something they love.. Only the strong people know that losing is not the end of world! Every person had a battle that made them change to another person, and the outcome depends on their strength to fight.. Some people were weak to fight and they became the person they never wanted to become.. Some people were strong to fight back and they became the people they aspired to become.. Every person had a battle that changed their perspective in life, the strong person will fight to understand that lesson, take the learning and move on with a satisfied and happy perspective while the weak person will settle for what they see and got! Every person had a battle with the wrong people, and they will always feel thankful for knowing they are strong enough with or without them to have passed the battle on their own. Every person had a battle with the "what ifs" and the "unanswered questions", and they will never end the battle until they decide they want to set a closure for them all. Every person had a battle with their dreams to achieve them, some were courageous enough to pursue them and some lost interest with the first hardship. Every person had a battle that drained their effort, some were wise enough to stand up, recharge and move on and some used the remaining energy in building walls that drained more energy, time and effort. Every person had a battle with their walls, they tried to break them, get over them or even make them higher and it all depends on their state of mind. Every person has passed in battles, and there are no easy battles but there are strong fighters.. so never judge a strong fighter,for they have gone through a lot ..

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في البداية ، يتبدلون معكم الأغاني ، ثم كل شئ.. و في النهاية ، يرحلوا، و يأخدوا منكم كل ما اعطوكم، و كل ما اعطيتُمهم.. لذلك، أحبك نيابة...