Sunday, March 17, 2013


They say that happiness is a state of mind, and that every bad thought we had, could have been replaced by a happy one instead. They say that everything we want to happen will only happen if we decide we want it enough. They also say we perceive anything the way we want to and this could be reflected on every good thing we thought it was bad, or every bad thing we thought it was good. And Every time we look at a light hair we have, we can think it’s a yellow one or a white one depending on our state of mind and how we want to see it. Every time we had a broken heart, we can think that death already came and got us or think it was the best experience depending on our state of mind and how we want to think about it. Every time a loved one leaves us, we can think it is time to learn that tomorrow might never come and we need to exert time and effort showing them how much we love them before they leave, or we can sink into depression and get stuck into the past and never move on. Every time we say the wrong things, we can think it is the end of world, set the whole "what if" scenario, or decide to learn from our mistakes and never look back again. Every time we decide to move on and fail, we can think we failed because we don’t have the energy to move on and we are waiting for someone to help us, or believe that we might need to put more effort into moving on so that we eventually can and really do. Every time we wait for someone to come a long and change all the things we want to change, we can really believe that this someone will help us change and sit still or we believe that we are strong enough to embrace the change we want to see and change it on our own and then we turn to be the change we want to see in the world! It all depends on our state of mind..May we always have a positive state of mind..


  1. Gihad el nafs .. 'may we always have a positive state of mind'..Amen..but it's alright to admit feeling not-so-positive once in a while and to tell ourselves it's OK I'll feel better tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow (!) and to give in for a while to some not-so-positive feelings temporarily..quite comforting..for a while..I don't feel guilty when I'm not in a positive state of mind & I don't fight it, because I know that I'll feel positive again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

    1. I wonder who is the person that read through me and reflected it that way :)


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