Thursday, January 17, 2013

Reasons Behind Our Sadness!

Its funny that we still feel sad even after knowing all the differences, setting all the possibilities and talking all the could have beens !Its sad because while looking back at everything we have done with all the love, we have found that we are ready to make them over and over again putting more love into them! Its sad because we also have done things that are so not us and we cannot undone or forget that we have done them. Its sad because we had thoughts and dreams that made us happy and we still have more thoughts and dreams that we shouldn't have! Its sad because we still care even though they don't need or even care about it and we cannot stop it. Its sad because they started avoiding us and even worse neglecting us. Its sad because we have broken some walls for them that we cannot build them again. Its sad because we have given the time some time wishing things would get better, finding them getting worse ! And it wasn't only sad because we have seen the truth and we neglected it , but because we still have had hope that things might change knowing the fact they wouldn't ! #nwtfy

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