Thursday, January 17, 2013

This goes to..

This goes to someone who supports other people while they need the support more than ever. This goes to someone who gives out the best advice while they need to listen to them the most. This goes to someone who pushes people away while they need them around to help them. This goes to someone who used their energy in building walls and walls around them while they need to break them all. This goes to someone who seems tough and strong while they are the weakest. This goes to someone who seems rough while they are fragile. This goes to someone who pushed loved people away while they need them most. This goes to someone who seemed the happiest while they are the saddest. This goes to someone whom I silently watched them helplessly drowning into another one they never wanted to become!

1 comment:

أحبك نيابة عن كل الذين أحبوك

في البداية ، يتبدلون معكم الأغاني ، ثم كل شئ.. و في النهاية ، يرحلوا، و يأخدوا منكم كل ما اعطوكم، و كل ما اعطيتُمهم.. لذلك، أحبك نيابة...